Friday, February 6, 2009

Imaginary Numbers

When you're a rich successful math tutor like me, you're forever the target of con artists and scammers. Just post an ad to "lessons" on and you'll get a bunch of scam emails like this one from "Mr. Jones Tammy," subject line "Inquiry In Your Lesson:"
Good Day Glad to tell you that,my son will be coming to the United State for holiday.Will be more than glad if you can have private lessons with him everyday from 2pm-3pm or your suitable time(1 hour per day from Monday-Friday for two weeks making a total of ten lessons.If you can make it,kindly get back to me with the cost of your teaching for two weeks in the dates of 15thFeb-29th Feb .He will be coming to your house for 1 hour each day for two weeks.I have someone that will always drive him down to your house His name Jackson, he is 15 years old I will want you to calculate 1 hour per day from Monday-Friday for the whole 2 weeks and get back to me.Looking forward to read from you.
Best Regards
Mr Jones Tammy
Yes, it was all formatted as above. I decided to mess with Mr. Jones Tammy and wrote him back saying simply, "$600." I received a reply saying he has an acquaintance in the US who owes him money, so this acquaintance will send me a check for $3,400! I'm supposed to immediately rush to Western Union and send the balance (taking out my 6 bills and an extra hundred bucks 'cause he's very generous and it's imaginary money anyway) to the person taking care of "Jackson" in the US. I honestly can't believe anybody ever falls for this, and when I meet Jackson I'm going to tell him that.

1 comment:

choochoo said...

maybe you should hold Jackson for ransom and refuse to give him back unless they send you your weight in buttons. After all, you don't need money - you're a math tutor. That'll teach'em!